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Gem car service manual pdfGem car service manual pdf.GEM Service Manual
Attach to your tax return. For a vehicle placed in service in , multiply line 4 by 7. Maximum credit per vehicle. Add lines 12 and 13 Allowable Credit Regular tax before credits. Enter the amount from Form , line Enter the amount from Form , Schedule J, line 3. Other filers. Enter the regular tax before credits from your return. Credits that reduce regular tax before the qualified electric vehicle credit: Credit for child and dependent care expenses Form , line 11 Credit for the elderly or the disabled Schedule R Form , line 24 Mortgage interest credit Form , line 11 Foreign tax credit Credit for fuel from a nonconventional source Add lines 16a through 16k Net regular tax.
Subtract line 16l from line If zero or less, do not file this form; you cannot claim this credit Tentative minimum tax see instructions. Estates and trusts. Enter the amount from Form , Schedule I, line Subtract line 18 from line If zero or less, do not file this form; you cannot claim this credit Qualified electric vehicle credit. Enter the smaller of line 14 or 19 here and on Form , line 52; Form , Schedule J, line 6c; Form , Schedule G, line 2b; or the appropriate line of your return.
See instructions on back. Use a separate column for each vehicle. If you need more columns, use additional Forms and include the total on line 8. The qualified electric vehicle credit does not apply to vehicles that are: Used primarily outside the United States, Used by a governmental unit or agency or any foreign person or entity, or Used by a tax-exempt organization other than a section farmers cooperative unless the property is used mainly in an unrelated trade or business taxed under section See section 50 b for details and other exceptions that may apply.
Page 2 Form Recapture of Credit If the vehicle no longer qualifies for the credit within 3 years of the date you placed it in service, you must recapture part or all of the credit. Generally, no recapture occurs on the sale or other disposition of the vehicle including a disposition resulting from an accident or other casualty.
However, if the vehicle will be modified after you dispose of it so that it no Specific Instructions Line 3 Line 11 Line 13 Line 18 Operated exclusively on a rail or rails, Unless you elect not to take the credit, you must reduce the basis of each vehicle by the amount of the credit entered on line 7 for that vehicle. Enter the amount of any credits included on line 10 that are from a passive activity. Generally, a passive activity is a business activity in which you did not materially participate.
Rental activities are generally passive activities, whether or not you materially participate. Enter the qualified electric vehicle passive activity credits allowed for from Form CR or Form See the instructions for the applicable form for more information. Although you may not owe alternative minimum tax AMT , you generally must still figure the tentative minimum tax TMT to figure your credit. For a small corporation exempt from the AMT under section 55 e , enter zero.
Purpose of Form Use Form to figure the credit for qualified electric vehicles placed in service during the tax year. Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask for the information on this form to carry out the Internal Revenue laws of the United States.
You are required to give us the information. We need it to ensure that you are complying with these laws and to allow us to figure and collect the right amount of tax. The time needed to complete and file this form will vary depending on individual circumstances.
The estimated average time is: If you have comments concerning the accuracy of these time estimates or suggestions for making this form simpler, we would be happy to hear from you.
See the instructions for the tax return with which this form is filed. Line 20 If you cannot use part of the credit because of the tax liability limit, the unused credit is lost. The unused or excess credit cannot be carried back or forward to other tax years.
You are not required to provide the information requested on a form that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless the form displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records relating to a form or its instructions must be retained as long as their contents may become material in the administration of any Internal Revenue law.
Generally, tax returns and return information are confidential, as required by section Recordkeeping 7 hr. Learning about the law or the form 30 min. Preparing, copying, assembling, and sending the form to the IRS 39 min. See Pub. Lines 5 and 6 Do not claim the credit for a vehicle placed in service in unless you are a fiscal year taxpayer who placed the vehicle in service before the end of your fiscal year. A The biggest concern about storage is battery care.
Always store batteries fully charged. If your car is stored in a cold climate, a fully charged battery will not freeze. Always store your car with the disconnect switch turned off.
Remove 48 GND battery cable for cars without a disconnect switch. Refer to operators manual The charger and controller have a 50 mA continuous draw. This seems small, but over a long period of time it adds up. Due to this, we suggest turning off the disconnect switch anytime the car will sit idle for one week or longer. Batteries have an inherent self discharge, also. If the car is being stored for several months, it should be charged once every two months. Simply turn the disconnect switch to the on position and plug in the charger.
The charger will not be operational unless the disconnect switch is on. After the charger has cycled turn the switch back off again. There is no advantage to leaving the charger plugged in, as it will not automatically turn back on after the voltage goes down. Q If my batteries do go dead from storage, what do I do? Q While driving my 72 volt car, my Battery Discharge Indicator BDI shows a certain percentage, but after sitting a few minutes it goes up.
Which do I go by? Q Can I wash my car with a pressure washer? A Due to a safety circuit in the charger, the charger will not turn on if the pack voltage is lower than volts on a 48 volt car about 40 volts for a 72 volts car. Turn off disconnect or remove 48 GND, and charge each battery individually with a 12 volt automotive type charger. Use a medium current Amps for about 30 minutes to 1 hour per battery. Once the pack voltage is high enough, turn on disconnect and plug in charger.
A The BDI looks at battery voltage under load. Each time the key is turned on, the BDI checks voltage. The voltage will look high until a load is on it, then it will drop down to where it last was. The reading while driving is more accurate. A Yes, the exterior of the vehicle can be pressure washed.
Q How often should I check the battery water? Q What should I fill my batteries with? A This depends on the climate and the amount of use. Hot weather and heavy use increase the boil off.
At a minimum we recommend checking it once a month. In very hot conditions, or under heavy use, once every two weeks is preferred. It is better to check too often then to not check it enough. Batteries can be damaged by not having enough electrolyte. The plates should be covered, but dont fill the cells too full. Tap water contains too many minerals.
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Electric Vehicles Engineered for Local Transportation.Gem car service manual pdf
Gem car service manual pdf thumbs. Quick Links. Table of Contents. Previous Page. Next Page. Therefore, right-hand refers Appropriate service methods and proper repair passenger side, and left-hand refers to the procedures are essential for the safe, reliable driver's side of the vehicle. Gem car service manual pdf information amnual the label includes: Fig.
Item Description provides the best-engineered products for servicing GEM vehicles. The pressure Front wheel alignment is essential for proper of all four tires srevice be set to specification with a vehicle handling and passenger safety. Center the front wheels. Inspect the position of the pinch bolt that joins the steering column shaft to the steering gear.
This bolt must be horizontal and under the shaft see Figure 3. The wheels are mounted to rotor assemblies, which in turn are mounted to the steering components attached to a control arm, that pivot up and down on bushings. Raise and support the vehicle on a suitable hoist.
Remove the shock. The GEM e-series vehicles combine a spring and shock absorber into a single unit. Note: Support the backing plate assemblies to protect the brake lines and parking brake cables. Remove the hubcap. Remove the tire and wheel assembly. Remove the brake drum. These splines force gem car service manual pdf wheel and shaft to turn as a unit, thereby transmitting turning force to продолжение здесь steering gear.
Using reference marks, align steering wheel to steering shaft and place on shaft. Replace washer and attaching nut on end of shaft and tighten to press wheel completely on splines.
Back off nut and tighten to 20 ft-lbs. See Pod Covers in Body section. Remove steering wheel with wheel puller or appropriate method. See Steering Wheel in this section. Remove the pinch bolt attaching steering shaft to gem car service manual pdf gear. Turning motion of gem car service manual pdf gear causes rack to move either right or left. Remove king pin pinch bolt and separate control arm.
The inner end is held on with a spring clip. Apply Optimol Olistamoly 2 LN LO grease Using a pair of short pry bars, gently force the or equivalent to the splines at the inner and inner end off the differential. Open the hood. Remove the halfshafts.
See Halfshafts in this section. The differential consists of a pinion gear and two 3. Remove motor. See Motor in Electrical section.
The drive 4. This is normal and should not be mistaken for contamination. If fluid level is abnormally low, look смотрите подробнее evidence of leaks at caliper, drum kanual, hoses and lines, and master cylinder. However, thin brake rotors or brake drums frequently not pdg by brake components. In or substandard brake lines and hoses can also many cases, such noises are caused by loose or cause a spongy pedal. Starting at the right rear, attach one end of bleed hose to bleed screw and insert the opposite end in a glass container partially filled with brake fluid Fig.
This pressure The front brake assembly consists of a caliper, pushes the caliper piston out, causing the brake rotor and нажмите для деталей pads. Remove the spring clips from pins at center of each shoe, and remove pins. The windows 10 install font from command prompt free download cylinder has two pistons, each of which engage a e6, e6S, eLXD brake shoe.
Position wheel cylinder on backing plate and attach with mounting bolt furthest from actuator Install the tire and wheel assembly. Tighten the lever. Foot pressure causes downward motion of the pedal, forcing a push rod against a piston in the The brake приведенная ссылка assembly is mounted on the dash master cylinder.
Remove upper and lower dash panel. See Dash Panel Upper in Body section. Remove pd brake pedal to push rod bolt. Disconnect the electrical connectors from the master cylinder. The master cylinder assembly is located under the 4. A push button The park brake lever is located pd the driver on the end of the park brake cable disengages the and front passenger seats. Position the park brake lever assembly. Replace the mounting bolts through park brake Two cables are attached to the park brake lever by lever brackets.
Chock the wheels. Remove the lower seat. See Bench Seat gdm Body section. Switch master disconnect OFF, and cover battery terminals to prevent electrical contact. Release the park brake lever. Remove the cables from the equalizer gem car service manual pdf. Remove the rear brake shoes. See Brakes in this section. Disconnect the parking brake cables from the tension equalizer. Separate the parking brake cables at the front frame from the brake backing plate.
Chock wheels 2. Release park brake. For purposes of operational in the lower dash unit of the fuse access panel description, the odf is divided into three groups see figure 4. The power system consists of the batteries, battery Diagnosis and testing of the power system is charger, fuse, key switch, gem car service manual pdf sensor, and integrated with the diagnosis and testing of the gem car service manual pdf harness not shown in the block diagram. The primary means of troubleshooting the gem car service manual pdf and power system servjce via error codes displayed on the LCD display see figure 5, item 3.
The motor controller reports mwnual problems detected by displaying error codes on the multi-purpose LCD display located in the center of the instrument pod.
There should be no indicated by a short inside or not in input voltage present at the motor controller connector, CH1 the correct position -between the Armature transistor did not turn off Replace the motor controller.
If directed back to the Drive and running. Defective wiring between tachometer and the motor controller. See Troubleshooting Diagram A. Replace tachometer. Armature current exceeds Continued operation of vehicle in high motor current amps for 3.
If voltage Remove the upper and lower dash panels and Proceed to Step 5. Measure the voltage on the PSDM at the charge measuring points indicated. Proceed to Step Replace fuse With master disconnect switch on, measure Proceed to step 10c. Replace gem car service manual pdf Cxr. If the resistance does not vary as described, replace the accelerator pedal. Two are located under the spat or under the bed of the vehicle. Four are located under the front cushion on two- passenger models, and under the rear seat cushion on four-passenger models.
Battery 1. Turn off master disconnect switch. Remove bench seat see Bench Seats. Improper use and care of batteries can result in serious personal injury or property damage. Deka 8V Gel Batteries — 95 - in-lbs. After all the safety procedures specified by the Percentage of Specific Gravity Open-Circuit manufacturer have been followed, start the unit.
When unit shuts off, record the discharge time. More importantly, watering must be done at the right time gem car service manual pdf in the right amount or else the battery's performance and During a discharge, all cells in a battery set should longevity suffers.
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